Primary School

Created by Anthony 9 months ago
I first met Wayne in primary school where in the playground he replayed the antics of Cupid Stunt from the Kenny Everett Show that aired the evening before.  Even though I had seen the show the night before I always looked forward to Wayne's reenactment and always enjoyed it more than Kennys. When Wayne left Ireland we lost touch until a number of years ago he reached out to my sister asking if she was related to me. It was amazing to catch up with him and we had a great night in Edinburgh. In my head in made plans to visit him in Brighton and he always said he'd let me know when he was over. Then, after being in Ireland and returned to Brighton he would text me to say that time got away. Now the time has gone for Wayne,  I wish I had made more memories but happy I do have some fantastic ones. An amazing person who's laugh sounded like it surprised him and was so infectious. A true gentleman and privilege to call him a friend.